krisdayanti and raul lemos in singapura

Increasingly crowded news of Krisdayanti with Raul Lemos, Singer Krisdayanti and the lover is rumored to be met in Singapore on Saturday (3/4/2010). When confirmed, a lawyer KD, Elsie Lontoh immediately denied this.

When contacted detikhot, Saturday (3/4/2010), Elsie and KD admitted he currently is located in Singapore. However, there's not their goal to meet a lover KD. But there was a sudden affair.

"Jackie went there he had gone the same essential needs me anyway," said Elsie.

However, Elsie was reluctant to disclose what the purpose of Regine's ex-wife to Singapore. Women who like to collect Hello Kitty figure tells only if KD only briefly here.

"This morning arrive, also had to go home tonight," he said. when Krisdayanti will introduce their partner to the media? after he was divorced by Anang Hermansyah. We just wait the next hot news

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